ভিত্তি উপাদান: মরিচা রোধক স্পাত কলাই: 3X আকার: 20 সেমি যত্ন: কলঙ্ক প্রতিরোধী / জল প্রতিরোধী বৃত্ত পেরেক চুড়িRating is 5.0 out of five stars based on ১ review5.0 | ১ review19.99£PriceBuy 2 get 1 freeঅপশনQuantityAdd to CartBuy NowGuaranteeThis product is covered by the Isolene Guarantee ReviewsRated ৫ out of 5 stars.5.0Based on ১ reviewLeave a Review৫ stars1৪ stars0৩ stars0২ stars01 star0১ reviewFilter by rating:All starsSort by:Highest ratedAmeliaRated ৫ out of 5 stars.I’ve been wearing this for 6 months. I never take it off. Tricky to put on, I had to contact customer service to find out how to open it. She was so helpful.
I’ve been wearing this for 6 months. I never take it off. Tricky to put on, I had to contact customer service to find out how to open it. She was so helpful.